Instagram Updates Algorithm to Favor Original Content
You may have heard about the CEO of Instagram announcing their update to reward original content. But first - what is original content? Instagram itself is the first to admit that this concept is hard to define and that this update will be an ongoing development. The overarching idea is that Instagram aims to reward the original creator, rather than someone reposting the content. If you designed the graphic, took the photo, or edited the video yourself, that is considered original content.
Another question may come to mind - why is instagram making this update? The primary reason for this update is to combat the trend of “aggregator accounts,” or accounts that solely reposts others’ content. In the past, it has been a common occurrence for a creator to post a funny video that may get a couple thousand views, but other accounts who repost the same video to get hundreds of thousands of views. The same thing could happen with an infographic. The goal here is to give the original creator the recognition they deserve.
You may be thinking - how does this impact me and my business. For many businesses, this is great news. As long as you are already creating your own graphics, photography and video you may actually see growth on your social accounts. However, if your business has been relying on others’ content to stay afloat online it may be time to rethink your online marketing strategy. For more tips on how to create effective online video content, download our free ebook, “How to 10x your Leads on Social Media with Video.” To learn more about how to create better photo content, read our blog post “How to Take Professional Photos.”